
Art 2303 | Printmaking

Printmaking Survey is an introduction to the basic techniques and concepts of intaglio and relief printmaking.

Below are descriptions of some of the assignments in the course with student work examples.

Relief Print Master Copy

Objective: Students will develop understanding of the basic principles of black and white line relief printmaking through the exploration of woodcut and/or linocut print techniques via the reproduction of an historical relief printed image. Upon completion of this assignment students should understand how block cutting techniques, inking practices, press usage, types of papers, etc, will all affect the outcome of the final printed image/design.

Requirements: An historical relief print will be selected by Jacob for reproduction and divided among the class in equal sized image tiles. Design information will be transferred by hand to your woodblocks using carbon transfer paper methods. Image tiles will be the same size as your block, approximately 5x7鈥. The completed block will be as many times as are needed to obtain a quality impression.

An image of the final composed print includes an image of a walking skeleton dragging a chained woman by her neck outside of a castle.

Black Line/White Line Relief Prints

Objective: Students will expand upon the basic principles of black and white line relief printmaking through the exploration of woodcut print techniques via the production of imagery/designs created according to their own aesthetic and conceptual interests guided by the theme 鈥淧rotest/Promote鈥. Upon completion of this assignment students should understand how block cutting techniques, inking practices, press usage, types of papers, registration techniques, etc, will all affect the outcome of the final printed image/design.

Requirements: Design information will be transferred by hand to your woodblocks using carbon transfer paper or drawn directly on the block. Imagery should fill the entirety of the picture plane and will be the same size as your block, approximately 7鈥漻10鈥. The completed block will be editioned to a minimum of 3 prints. 

A printed image of a skeleton, with a snake like tongue, holding one rat, surrounded by other rats. A printed image of a Tucan sitting on the branch of a tree, with a sun rising behind it. A printed image of person with the head of an old television with the words "We only see what they show us" written across the screen.A printed image of a brain surrounded by flowers and leaves, with the words written "Be mindful".A printed image of a coy fish riding a bicycle, with a unique pattern of shapes in the background.

Relief Reduction Prints

Objective: Students will demonstrate understanding the basic principles of relief reduction printmaking. Upon completion of this assignment you should have a general comprehension of how the layering of inks, ink modifiers, printing method, types of papers, block cutting techniques, etc, will all affect the outcome of the final printed impression.

Requirements: Preliminary sketches/photography will be divided into 3-5 values/colors/layers (including the color of your paper). Sketches will be transferred by hand to your MDF blocks. Sketches should be the same size as your block, 7鈥漻10鈥. The completed reduction print will be editioned to a minimum of 3, meaning 4 total impressions including your Bon A Tirer. 

A printed image composed of candles, a book, and a cauldron- printed in several shades of blue.A printed image composed of a plant resting on a window seal overlooking the sea and the mountains - printed using shades of blues and browns. A printed image composed of two baby calves standing in a meadow under the moon and stars- printed using shades of purples and greens. A printed image composed of cartoon frog resting on a rock surrounded by the sea, trees, a butterfly, and snail. Printed using the colors yellow, deep blue, and green.A printed image composed of a human walking alone in the desert - in the distance you can see a mountain and the sun beginning to set. Printed using various shades of purples and yellows.

Black & White, Hard Ground Line Etching, Aquatint.

Objective: Students will learn the basic principles of hard ground line etching used in intaglio printmaking and then add additional tonal information to one image using aquatint etching techniques. Upon completion of this assignment you should have a general understanding of how the hard ground, graphite transfer, spray paint aquatint, ferric chloride etching, inks, ink modifications, plate wiping, printing papers, press, and printing blankets will all affect the outcome of the final print.

Requirements: Preliminary sketches will be done during and after the first class period. Sketches will be transferred to the grounded copper plate. Finished sketches should be the same size as your copper plate, no larger than 6鈥 x 4鈥. The completed line etching and aquatint plates will be printed a minimum of 4 times each.

A black and white printed image composed of two hands touching several flowers.A black and white printed image composed of an astronaut in space surrounded by whales, dolphins, and a squid.A blue and white printed image composed of a detailed jellyfish surrounded by bubbles.A black and white printed image of the corner of a kitchen overlooking the mountains. There is a flower pot, a bowl of fruit, a plant hanging, and shelves with cups and bowls. A black and white printed image composed of a plant in the bottom left hand corner with the words "Monstera Deliciosa Variegata" written on the right side. A black and white printed image composed of a rooster with the sun rising above a field behind the animal. With the words "Rise and shine" written across the bottom of the print. A black and white printed image composed of what appears to be a monstrous figure titled "Falling Harpy".A black and white printed image composed of a beast like figure walking through the doorway titled "Labyrinth of Minotaurs"A black and white printed image composed of a street with brick building and glass windows. With a street sign that reads "Weidmann since 1870"


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